Therapy (Conservative Treatment)
Advanced therapeutic methods of eye diseases treatment are widely used in ophthalmologic practice of our clinic. According to the indications and contra–indications we offer our patients a course of therapeutic procedures or a combination of conservative and surgery treatment to reach the best results.
Therapy of inflammatory eye diseases
Some eye inflammations are serious and long-term, while others occur only temporarily and can be treated easily or be left alone until the inflammation cedes. An inflammatory eye disease may affect the surrounding tissues of the eyes, as well as the outer or the inner parts. To treat inflammatory eye diseases such as scleritis and uveitis, doctors usually recommend corticosteroid eye drops to help reduce inflammation, and sometimes, oral corticosteroids. In certain cases, NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) may also be recommended as well as the wearing of dark glasses. The common inflammatory eye disease called uveitis is often accompanied by sudden redness and pain in eyes. It can lead to permanent vision loss.
Therapy of infectious and allergic eye diseases An eye infection can affect the eyelids or eyelashes, the inner pink lining of the eyelid or the eye itself. Symptoms may include eye pain, blurry vision and red eyes.
Hordeolum (stye) is an infection of the oil-producing glands on eyelids. Bacteria presents in these glands, called the sebaceous glands, causes an inflammation that forms a bump called a stye, or a hordeolum. Styes can swell and become red and painful.
A hordeolum (stye) is an acute, localized, pyogenic (usually staphylococcal) infection or abscess of the eyelid that may be external or internal. Most hordeola are external and result from obstruction and infection of an eyelash follicle and adjacent glands. Follicle obstruction may be associated with blepharitis. An internal hordeolum, which is very rare, results from infection of a meibomian gland. Sometimes cellulitis accompanies hordeola.
Chalazion is noninfectious obstruction of a meibomian gland causing extravasation of irritating lipid material in the eyelid soft tissues with focal secondary granulomatous inflammation. Disorders that cause abnormally thick meibomian gland secretions (eg, meibomian gland dysfunction, acne rosacea) increase the risk of meibomian gland obstruction.
Both conservative and surgical methods may be used to treat stye (hordeolum) including corticosteroids.
Blepharitis is a condition in which the eyelid becomes inflamed. Specific symptoms of blepharitis include light sensitivity, red eyes, watery eyes, itchy eyes and a feeling of foreign body in the eye. Blepharitis also leads to a loss of eyelashes, crusting of the eyelashes and red swollen eyelids.
Therapy by oxygen-helium gas mixtures
The original method of treatment by xenon-oxygen gas mixtures developed by specialists of “OkoMed” eye clinic using special device (Patent № 86104, 13.02.2009) increases the efficiency and reduces period of treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases, diabetic angioretinopatii and others.
Breathing apparatus “INGALIT-B2”
The course of this treatment consists of 8-10 sessions.
Xenon is anesthetic of the 21st century. Medical xenon is an inhalation anesthetic received on the basis of inert gas Xe, it has unique analgesics, vegetostabilizing properties and sedative effect. Medical xenon is used for anesthesia in patients with drug allergy, sick and frail people with no postoperative complications. In ophthalmology it is used for the treatment of various ischemic conditions of the eye.
Helium has an extremely high penetrating power and thermal conductivity, provides an increase of the velocity of the gas mixture, improves gas exchange, normalizes blood-gas composition acid-base balance, increases oxygenation of arterial blood, reduces loads of breathing muscles and improves respiratory center.
Magnetic stimulation
Magnetic stimulation by alternating magnetic fields. A course of therapeutic treatment by magnetic fields providing vasodilating, spasmolytic, decongestive and immunostimulating effects.
This method of therapy could be used in cases of open-angle glaucoma, thrombosis of retinal veins and spasm of accommodation.
Pleoptoorthoptic treatment
Vision therapy includes a wide range of non-surgical methods to correct or improve specific visual dysfunctions. It may include eye exercises, as well as eye patches, penlights, mirrors, lenses and prisms. Other methods of vision therapy may include sensory, motor, and perceptual activities. Pleoptics and orthoptics are common forms of vision therapy. Pleoptics are exercises designed to improve decreased vision when there is no evidence of organic eye diseases. Orthoptics are exercises designed to improve the function of the eye muscles. Our specialists consider these exercises particularly useful in the treatment of strabismus and other abnormalities of binocular vision.
Plasmapheresis or plasma exchange (PEX)
"Pheresis" is not to be confused with “Phoresis”.
Membrane plasmapheresis is deep blood detoxification at the cellular level. During plasmapheresis, blood is initially taken out of the body through implanted catheter. Plasma is then removed from the blood by a cell separator. Three procedures are commonly used to separate the plasma from the blood cells:
Discontinuous flow centrifugation-One venous catheter line is required. Typically, a 300 ml batch of blood is removed at a time and centrifuged to separate plasma from blood cells.
Continuous flow centrifugation: Two venous lines are used. This method requires slightly less blood volume out of the body at any one time, as it is able to continuously spin out plasma.
Plasma filtration: Two venous lines are used. The plasma is filtered using standard hemodialysis equipment. This continuous process requires that less than 100 ml of blood be outside the body at one time.
The method of plasmapheresis treatment could be helpful in patients with severe atopic keratoconjunctivitis. The ocular indication of PEX may be considered to exist in patients with uveitis posterior and Graves' disease or lupus retinal vasculitis.
Removal of toxins or metabolites from the circulation by the passing of blood, within a suitable extracorporeal circuit, over semipermeable microcapsules containing adsorbents for a example activated charcoal or enzymes, other enzyme preparations.
Autohemotherapy is a form of transfusion therapy is aimed to enhance the immune system's ability to fight disease. During the procedure, a small amount of blood is taken from a vein in the patient's arm, the blood is sometimes mixed with a natural remedy and then re-injected. The blood retains its normal components-the usual complement of hormones, antibodies, minerals, and salts. Any metabolic by-products resulting from acute or long-term illnesses also will be present in the blood.
Mesotherapy is a non-surgical cosmetic medicine treatment. Mesotherapy employs multiple injections of pharmaceutical and homeopathic medications, plant extracts, vitamins, and other ingredients into subcutaneous fat. Mesotherapy injections allegedly target adipose fat cells, apparently by inducing lipolysis, rupture and cell death among adipocytes.